Monday, 12 May 2008

Gainsborough Old Hall

When we went to Gainsborough Old Hall, Daddy wasn't there because he was ill.  We went inside a big building and we saw a shop so we went inside.  In the shop they had pens shaped like an arrow. They were cool!  In the museum, they had a big table with all kinds of food that they ate in the olden days.  There was a big stuffed swan on a table and we all felt it, but the lady told us not to touch it because it had nasty fluid in it that would make us poorly.  We saw a big, big table with some people sitting at it.  There was an old lady and another old lady, and one old lady asked us to get into groups at the tables at the sides then I'll give you some information about the tower.  We listened to her and she said that the wood that the house was made of was from an oak tree.  She said it was about 50,000 years old. 

She said  that this big table is where the King sits and Lord Thomas was the first one who sat on that chair because he made it so he said it would try it out.  It was fine, so he told the King (king Henry VIII).  They also told Lady Catherine Howard, and they all gathered with the lords an ladies of the land for a big feast.  The servants scurried around making all the food and bringing it out onto  tables.  One of the servants said bring me all the food, so the servant rushed off and when he came back he was carrying a big tray of food, all kinds of different food... 

After the feast they went to do some dancing.  They watched the dancers and all the people made music for everyone to listen to.  Everybody could join in if they wanted to.  The jester was laughing and making everybody laugh.  He was getting balls and juggling them and everyone was laughing. We moved on to another room. We saw how they made breads.  They used big paddles to put some bread on and put it into cave things that were heated up. When they thought it was hot enough, they took the bread out and put it on the table.  They had these plastic foods and we pretended that we were making cakes for the king.  A lady said let's make something delicious for the king for dinner.  All the lords and ladies had silver on their cakes but the king had GOLD on his!  We pretended that we were making some silver cakes and gold cakes.  We pretend to decorate them with jewels and diamonds.  We walked into the butcher's room.,.. It had real stuffed dead animals  haning up but we didn't like it so we walked out and went somewhere else. 

One of the ladies said have you seen our taps to wash our dishes so we all said "no".  She said we didn't have to wash our dishes.  Imagine that!  Lots of people went "So how do you wash your dishes?"  We don't lick them, we don't get our hands wet, we lower them into some water then put them somewhere sunny to dry.  She asked have you seen our washing machines?  We said no.  We don't need to wash our clothes, we just get a brush and beat them outside.  We take them back inside and put them on again. We only have two pairs of clothes, one for winter time and one for summer time.  We rush outside, take our winter clothes off, lower them down into the water, then rush back inside and put our summer clothes back on again.  Have you seen our drying machine?  No.  We dry them by putting them somewhere sunny, like with the dishes.   Let's move on now. 

Upstairs there was something weird because there was Indians and people talking to the Indians and putting babies to bed.  They didn't have any eyes or noses so we knew they were stuffed, so we carried on upstairs·   We saw a bed and I said whose bedroom is this?  They said that's Lord Thomas' bed.  You can go on it but it will probably hurt you because it's wood and straw and feathers, so you would not want to lay on it because you might get a back ache.

Normanby Hall

When we went to Normanby Hall, we looked at the peacock laying an egg.  I saw the egg and I wanted to collect it.  I said to Liesl, "I want to collect that egg" and Liesl said, "What egg?" and I said "That peacock egg".  We went and saw some ducks, and a park, so we decided to play on it.  We played and played and played while Mum and Dad were talking to the rest of the home ed group.  Then we went along more.  We stopped and we looked in a house.  It had a stuffed reindeer in and we felt it.  We went into a BIG hall.  We looked inside it and it looked like olden days.  The walls were made of pure silk, and I felt what everything was made of, and it was all made of wood.  There were some big chandeliers, so we decided to look closely at them and we saw the bulbs in them.  We went up the stairs and they were massive like in the Sound of Music, and there were two staircases which met in the middle.  Upstairs, we saw this girl who looked like a statue but she said "Hello!" to us so we knew she was real.

We saw lots of tiny see-through cupboards that lots of tiny wooden toy animals in it, and looked at all the clothes.  They had things where you tied a ribbon around the back to make yourself thin and some big puffing-out skirts.  Emily said one of the clothes looked like Hamlet's clothes.  We went out fo the room and saw a bed and we looked at it carefully and felt it.  We didn't know what it was made of, so went out of the hall and looked.  We played back in the park then had a look in the shops at everything and then we went back and played more in the fields.  We saw a duckpond so we ran to it and looked in it and saw thousands of ducks and one was white, plain white.  We had a careful look at it and its beak wasn't white it was orange.  All the ducks kept flicking their heads into the water to do handstands.  When they had finished they flew over our heads and then I climbed yup a tree and I sat on it with no hands at all.  Dad said we're going to move on now so come on please.  We saw some horses - they were wild horses.  I wanted to feed one but Dad said no because we don't own them and because we haven't asked. 

Home Ed trip to Skegness

When we were in the Home Ed group, we went to Skegness and Normanby Hall, Gainsborough Old Hall and Tattershall Castle.  When we were at Skegness, we played on the sand for about an hour and a half, then it started to rain.  We put our tent up and ate some lunch in there, and then it got stormy so we went into the swimming pool.  We played until it started to get dark and then we went home.